Hyppää sisältöön

Welcome from the Vicar

Welcome to Hyvinkää Parish and our parish website!

Hyvinkää Parish is an urban church in central Finland with over 30,000 members. Our parish wants to serve you in many ways. The Hyvinkää church building is a landmark in the city, an impressive creation of modern architecture in the city's central location. The church is open every day from 09:00 am to 4:00 pm. You are welcome to visit and to join us for mass, or worship service, on Sundays at 10:00 am.

The history of Hyvinkää can be seen from the red wooden church along Uusimaankatu street, which the locals call “The Old Church”. In other districts, the parish has premises in Paavola, Vehkoja, Martti and Kytäjä. You can find information about these on our website. Welcome to visit, we are always open during events and special occasions.

Information on current events can be found both on the website and the local newspaper and in the Kirkonmäki magazine, which is published 5 times a year.

Feedback and questions can be sent either from the feedback linkLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä or by sending a message to an individual employee's emailLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä. Feedback messages are always delivered to the relevant work area or employee.

We hope you find the information you are looking for on our website. We are also happy to receive feedback on the website at hyvinkaansrk.viestinta@evl.fi.

The Hyvinkää Parish exists for you.


Virpi Koivisto
Pastor, Acting vicar 

Pastor, Acting vicar Virpi Koivisto