

Diaconal work

Diaconal work is based on the examples and teachings of Jesus. The duty of the deacon is to relieve humane crisis and convey the love of God. A deacon will provide help for spiritual, mental and material distress.

Diaconal work involves practical operations for the purpose of helping another human. You can contact the deacon office when you need support in your life. The diaconal workers will provide discussion-based help, guidance and advice, and material assistance to different-aged residents of Hyvinkää. If you wish, you can also ask for a diaconal worker to visit you at home for a discussion. Diaconal workers are bound by confidentiality.

Diaconal work organises club activitiesLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä, e.g. for elderly people, immigrants, disabled individuals, and substance abuse and mental health rehabilitators. Groups provide peer support, opportunities to meet new people, stimulating programme activities and spiritual guidance. Some of the groups have voluntary instructors. 

Diaconal work also organises excursions and camps, both at the parish's camp centre Sääksi and at different locations in Finland. In addition to this, various eventsLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä are organised during the year. 

Community lunch Kaiken kansan ruokailu

Welcome to eat inexpensive lunch in good company every Tuesday at 12.30 pm In Vehkoja Parish center, Yli-Anttilantie 3. Lunch costs 2 €.


The diaconal services

The diaconal services are free of charge; some of the excursions and camps are subject to a fee. You can schedule an appointment to the diaconal call service by calling the following number on Mon 2 pm - 5 pm or Tues 1pm - 4 pm and Thurs at 10 am - 1 pm +358 19 4561 250. This service is provided in Finnish.

You can also directly call the deacon responsible for multicultural work, Päivi Lammela, +358 40 5596318. In English too.


Diaconal workers offer:

•    discussion and counselling
•    financial advice and material assistance
•    help in dealing with authorities and form filling
•    family and relationship counselling
•    emotional support
•    multicultural assistance
•    addiction counselling